Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Have you found your “one true calling”? I haven’t!

Many people just know what they want to do the rest of their lives. They know that they want to be a doctor or a teacher or a lawyer. By 18 years old we are supposed to know what we want to do with the rest of our lives. The question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” implies that you have to be one thing. Some people can choose a career and commit to one path. They are happy with this and that’s fine.
But many of us are not wired this way. People that have multiple interests and cannot commit to one career path are known as having multipotentiality. I have many interests and have not been able to stick to one interest. It’s okay to have multiple callings. Blending interests and working in different fields doesn’t make you indecisive or non-committal. It makes you original and innovative. Follow your heart and do what you love.
How having many interests can be difficult:
Having many interests and not being able to commit to one path can be difficult. I have never worked at a job very long. I find out that supervisors and coworkers have had the same job for many years. I can’t imagine myself working at the same job for many years. For example, I was a hiking guide in Alaska. I have an interest in hiking and nature. I had a great time learning about the plants and animals of that area. I found out as much as I could. By the end of the season, I felt like I had learned what I needed to learn and experienced what I needed to experience. I was ready to move on and try something else. I do get frustrated when I cannot commit to one thing. It’s just hard for me to be interested in one thing whole heartedly and if I am committed to only one thing I get bored and want to move on.
What to do in life?
When you have multipotentiality it is hard to decide on career choices because there are many options. This can be frustrating and stressful. I find myself drifting from one job to the next; unable to settle in a job long enough to know if it would be a fulfilling job in the long run.
In order to solve this problem…
1.       Find a career that is meaningful, fulfilling and has a purpose. There is more to choosing a career than being interested in it or being able to do it.
2.       Figure out what your current interests and skills are.
3.       Find jobs that combine your interests.
4.       Become your own boss.
5.       Set long-term goals.
6.       Make career decisions based on interests, needs, and values.
7.       Find a paying job that provides you with the time to pursue your interests.
Puttylike.com: This is a great blog for people who have multiple interests and do not want to commit to one career path.

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